Fabbri gunmakers
The Singer Eric Clapton , the King of Spain Juan Carlos , the Director Steven Spielberg are just some of the many celebrities who have a rifle made in Italy by gunmakers Fabbri Family . Near the city of Brescia there is the lab of Fabbri where the founder Ivo Fabbri , his son and the nephrew , all togheter ,they produce the rifles . No more than ten or twelve for each year , in fact they are works made entirely by hand , on request , and waiting list can last years . The cost ?………………….

Drying of the paint .

Steel for rifle barrels .

First processing phase of barrels .

Detail of triggers .

Processing phase of triggers .

Other processing phase of barrel .

Check of barrel .

Check of the barrel

Warehouse of wood for rifle butts .

Detail of wood for butts .

Wood for butts .

Desk of work .

People at work .

Detail .

Detail on part of rifle .

Butts ready for rifles .

Detail on the incision .

Incisions .

Rifle ready for the client .

The safe with the guns ready for the delivery .

Detail on the bag of the gun and the test bullets .

Tunnel for test of the rifles .

In the center Ivo Fabbri , the founder with his son and nephrew .

Ivo Fabbri

Ivo Fabbri is testing a rifle .