Reportage/Daily-life of Cadets on Italian’s Navy School-Ship Amerigo Vespucci
Two days on board of the most old and important Navy School-Ship of the world : The Amerigo Vespucci . Here after three month of sailing/training and really hard life ( twenty hours of job among guard on deck , study of nautical chart and canvas , and , only four hours of relax each days ) , the Cadets are ready for come back to the examination in Academy , and pass to the next level of the School .

The Amerigo Vespucci on the sea near Elba Island .

Training on mast .

Cadets on deck in the sunset .

Cadets .

Sunset on board .

Parade on deck .

Deck .

Parade on Deck before to weigh anchor .

Study of Nautical chart .

Command Deck : Cadets at helm .

Guard .

Going below deck .

Relax time : Cadets below deck .

Below deck . Cadets preparing hammock for sleeping .

Below deck : Cadets in the bathroom shaveing before parade .

Cadets preparing her uniform for the parade .

Cadets cleaning his shoes for parade .

Cadets are dressing below deck for parade .

Deck : Parade for the Admiral visit .

Cadets in High-uniform on deck .

Cadet .

Cadets .

Parade .

Parade . On the background the masts of the Vespucci . Livorno Harbour .

Livorno Harbour : Cadets are come back to Academy after three months of training .

Livorno Harbour . Wiew of Amerigo Vespucci from Garibaldi War-ship .

Livorno Harbour : Navy soldier walking before Amerigo Vespucci .

Cadets disembarked from Vespucci with parents and girl-friend .

Cadets below Flag of Italian Navy .

Cadets in Day off .