Reportage/Niguarda la Città della Salute
The reportage tell the life inside a Niguarda Hospital in Milano , one of the bigger in the Italy . The work has become a Book sponsored and produced by Avis Milano and an exhibition on display in several italian cities .

Helicopter rescue of 118 ( emergency number phone) flight .

Heart trasplant .

Heart trasplant : machine for extracorporeal circulation .

End of heart trasplant . The patient its ready for the intensive care .

Area relax of Cardiovascolar Surgery . End of trasplant .

Wiew outside the Hospital : the shade of the trees on the Niguarda's marble

Medical records Department .

Neonatology Department .

Neonatology Department .

Spring Festival in Hippoterapy Department .

Pool of Spinal Unit .

Nun .

Statues of Messina's sculptor in the entrance of Hospital .

Nero Surgery Department . Ceck of a MRI .

Neuro surgery theater .

Neuro surgery theatre . Pathologist writing a report

Wiew outside the Hospital .

Orthopedic Department . Control medication .

Psychiatric service for diagnosis and treatment .

Liver trasplant from a living living . Looking monitor .